
So we are big fans of lists; making lists, reading lists..we just enjoy the list process. With that being said we want to share one of our favorite sites:

It has everything you could ever wonder about, and things you probably wouldn’t even think of existed. Let’s just call it a Thursday gift to distract you from office work.

Sorry we’re not sorry!


The Ultimate Betties

Inspiration Mondays

After the weekend, between the partying, sleeping, chatting with friends and the oh so unwanted drama you’re now back at work. Wah. But never fear we are going to provide you with your Monday inspiration because let’s be honest..sometimes we all need a feel better, feel good quote. So….




The Ultimate Betties


Sorry Harry!


By now everyone and their mother know royalty has been born. If you don’t know the deets we have some for you. A prince was born yesterday at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. He weighed in at 8.6 pounds and he is now third in line for the throne.

After hearing about this yesterday we got down to talking about how the line of royalty works. And all we have to say is it sucks for Prince Harry, he no longer has a chance and we find that kind of sad. Since the child is a boy Harry automatically gets passed over and this child could hold the throne at a very young age.

“No one can tell what political and personal changes the intervening years will bring, but the baby can be expected to become the head of state of 16 countries, including Britain, Australia and Canada. The child will also eventually become Supreme Governor of the Church of England.” Read more:

We congratulate William and Kate and hope they can raise their child is as much peace as possible.

Now back to breeding Kardashians.


The Ultimate Betties


As a Pisces dreaming is a natural reaction for us. We are so far from reality it’s almost another planet to us. This is the main reason a Pisces taps into their bedtime dreams so heavily. For us, we believe it to be a sign. A way to dig deeper into what we’re trying to suppress or allow to break free.

Last night was intense. So many random objects, colors, and hidden meanings. You know when you’re in a dream that’s scary and you subconsciously know waking up will bring you to your reality. It will put a halt to your fears. That was one of the biggest signs that we, as people, need to stop being afraid. When you are afraid you miss out on some of the greatest gifts in life. Whether it be your dream job, going back to school, mending broken relationships, and so on. If you can shake yourself from all your fears your REALITY will be far better than any negative thought or scenario you place in your mind.

It’s easy to become stagnant due to fear. You want to stay in your little cube of comfort and never step out of those four imaginary lines. Well, if you don’t, you will forever wonder which will eventually turn into resentment.

Do us a favor, wait… do YOURSELF a favor and break free of your fears. Take a leap of faith. Follow your dreams. Fall in love. Go skydiving. Whatever your fear is: face it head on. You might feel silly for allowing yourself to feel scared when really it was the greatest experience of your life.

The Ultimate Betties


Happy 4th of July to all of our (still) loyal friends and followers. We have been very absent lately and we want to apologize for that. A lot has been going on in our lives but we still want to make a commitment to all the Betties out there. Promise we will be getting back on our A game in the next week.

Have a safe and fun 4th! Remember, in the name of the Betties “Stay classy America”


We Love you!’


The Ultimate Betties


One day you’re sitting there and you let your mind wander to la-la-land and you realize your life is not what you want it to be. What do you do? Where do you go from here?

That’s a tough one, we agree. But we can assure you there is one thing you can do, explore. Explore every option and see where life takes you. We have realized lately, you can’t have all work and no play but vice versa, too much playing and no substance won’t work for long either. Sure. we’d all like to live like Richie Rich for a while but there has to more to life.

exploreSomeone told us recently something along the lines of..there is far too much going on in this world to ever be bored or stagnant. That really made us think about things. We can’t let so much hold us back and you shouldn’t either.

Get out there! See the world, meet someone new, just do something different from you are used to doing. You never know what might happen.


The Ultimate Betties


The grass could be greener

We all know the saying:

The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

Well we call BS! Obviously it has and can definitely be proven true but when we hear that saying it just makes us think negatively. These Betties are always “half full” so we do our best to push the negativity out of our lives.

Just because you’re not particularly happy in the situation you may be in currently, does not mean you have to stay there. Everyone is putting the bug in your ear that what may be your next move won’t prove as hopeful as you’d like. They’re the ones who are missing out, not you.


They may be right, it could turn out to be a worse situation but again, you never know until you try. At least you will have that one up on them, taking chances and learning new things.

Moving up or on never hurt anyone in the long run. Do what you want!


The Ultimate Betties

Single, Sassy, & Proud of IT!

Friday’s are dedicated to “What we learned” this week, but not today. A fan of ours posted a picture on Instagram that made us feel compelled to dedicate today’s post to being single.

Traditionally speaking being single is looked down upon. Especially the older we get. People will gossip and judge at weddings and say, ‘She’s pushing 26 can you believe she is still single?’ First off, we are firm believers that there is no RIGHT age to be married. We also feel that your twenties are meant for soul searching. If the person you are with now can deal with your mood swings all through your golden years; he’s probably a keeper. If he can’t…. on to the next one.

Our generation is very fortunate. Woman are completely empowered. More woman go to school than men. More woman these days are climbing the corporate ladder and even owning their own businesses. Basically, we aren’t just put on this earth to find our ‘true love’ and become the next stepford wife. We are able to explore and fulfill OUR dreams. If you aren’t already married or have a child (hell even if you do have a child) this is the time to travel, try out different career paths, enroll in school, go out with your girlfriends, and explore your options for dating.

Unless someone comes along that lifts you up, supports you in any endeavor, and allows you space to breathe – don’t settle. You are amazing and it should take a lot for someone to swoop you off the market. Once you are in a relationship everything becomes “we” or “us”. That person has to be extremely special. If they aren’t – have fun and let yourself be selfish. Until you are 100% in love with yourself you can never fully love another person.

So next time you are at a social gathering, ignore those glares, and be proud for taking this time to find yourself. More importantly, be proud that you didn’t settle for some schmuck who really doesn’t care about you, your well-being, and supports yours dreams and goals. We have come too far Betties to go back now.


The Ultimate Betties

Take a Risk

Lately, we’ve been thinking of doing something out of our comfort zone. Everyone has their view on what a risk really is because let’s be honest not everyone has the same comfort level.

For us, doing something like bungee jumping, skydiving or anything outdoors that provides that rush of excitement and fear is slightly out of our zone. However, it’s always looming in the back of our heads.

Time is ticking and in life the best experiences we’ve had are the ones we either least expected to happen or were afraid of happening. The more you make everyday or every week exciting and facing your fears the better life will become.


Have you done anything out of your comfort zone? If you have please let us know about your experience!


The Ultimate Betties

Summer Fragrances

Summer is here! As we all know, it’s filled with beautiful weather, lavish vacations, cute boys, and itty bitty bikini’s. It’s our favorite time of the year! We want to share with our top ten favorite fragrances so you can smell lovely all throughout the hot summer days.

  1. Signorina – Salvatore Ferragamo
  2. Candy – Prada
  3. Daisy – Marc Jacobs
  4. Acqua Di Gio – Giorgio Armani
  5. Especially Escada – Escada
  6. photo 2Desire – Dolce & Gabana
  7. Miss Dior – Dior
  8. Cherry In the Air – Escada
  9. Beach – Bobbi Brown
  10. Flowers – Philosophy

These can be found at any department store or Sephora. Go check them out and see which one fits your summer personality.

Happy Wednesday!


West Coast Betty



We don’t usually do write-ups or reviews on movies, and we wouldn’t call this a review but after seeing the 2013 version of The Great Gatsby, we were moved.

In 8th or 9th grade we read the book, day-by-day, analyzing the plot, climax and character synopsis. After finishing the short read we were instantly in-love. To this day it is still regarded as one of the best American Novels ever written.

This is the third version of the book adapted into film and it’s incredible. The scenery, lighting and cast were very well thought out and planned. When we don’t find ourselves squirming around in our seats during a 2+ hour movie then we know it’s a great one.

Whether you’ve read the book or not, go see the movie. We promise it won’t be a disappointment (although our crush on Leo may have pushed our liking of the movie that much higher).


Go see it..


The Ultimate Betties


What did we learn this week? A Betty who can master being resilient will always be fen steps ahead of you.

Resilience is defined as the ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy.

For example: you have worked for an ass of a boss for two years. He promised you a raise and promotion. Instead, he fires you. You had your heart set on that. Not to mention, many financial goals and plans based off your new raise. Instead of moping or plotting your revenge; be resilient. Brush it off and go find something better.

In life you have to learn to bounce back from everything. Those who dwell on things can never move forward in a positive way.

So next time life hits you with a curveball remember to be resilient.

The Ultimate Betty

Never doubt a female..seriously.

Anything you can do I can do better.

Remember that little chant growing up? Well, last night one of these Betties got to prove just how right it can be.

I had a little build-it-yourself storage shelf to put together. As I texted one of my male friends the picture of what I was about to assemble he replied with “not a shot in hell you’re going to put that together. Do you even have tools?” Immediately, I shot back that I would now definitely make sure it gets put together.

There is nothing like the doubt of a person to make another person want something more. I was so determined, it didn’t matter how long it took (an hour btw). Between the doubt and the tools remark, I wasn’t about to let a guy make me feel inferior.


We gals do what we want.


The Ultimate Betties


When you first read that word, did it scare you? Did you feel your anxiety level rising? If so, that’s a sure way to find out if you’re really a commitment-phoebe.


If you didn’t start hyperventilating when you read that, congratulations! You very may have a much easier life than the rest of them. But most of us know the real commitment issues come from men. We were recently talking to someone who put it perfect: “Men don’t make commitments, they fall into them.” It’

That guy you’ve pursued, yeah the one you keep playing the cat and mouse game with..don’t force him. It’s as simple as this..if it’s meant to be it will! If you can’t wait then it’s not for you. Make all the excuses you want, you can’t compare apples and oranges. Ryan Gosling in The Notebook and Ryan Gosling in Crazy, Stupid, Love two completely different “characters.”

If you get to this point where you’re sick of playing the game but you want a commitment you need to sit back and this person really worth it? From there, you will know.

Think smart, with your mind and your heart.


The Ultimate Betties

The Giving Tree

Are you the type of person who constantly gives? to the point where it’s a major fault and leaves you feeling depleted? Everyone occasionally feels like this, but there is definitely a ‘type’ of person out there that gives until they have absolutely nothing.

We are very into astrology (we always take it with a grain of salt) but one particular horoscope this week stuck out to us. “Being a giver is wonderful – as long as the recipients are worth of your gifts.

We aren’t advising you to become the worlds biggest bitch and say no so much it’s the only word in your vocabulary. However, putting yourself first is healthy. It’s vital to making yourself happy as well as successful. Everyone is always preaching that givers are far more rewarded than takers. MAYBE that is true BUT at what point will YOU be the one who is taking a little while others give to you. It has to be just the right type of balance.

Never let anyone take advantage of you or make you feel that you cannot get things accomplished YOU need to because their tasks are more important. It’s healthy to say no every now and then. Never stretch yourself too thin. The only person that hurts is YOU.


West Coast Betty