Halloween 2013..Part 1.

So, with Halloween only being a week away we know most of you have your costumes ready or at least picked out. We want to do a two part post on what we predict will be the most popular costume we see.

Websites online are predicting anything from Duck Dynasty, Breaking Bad and the infamous Miley Cyrus performance at the VMAs. So if you want to stick out stay far away from these ideas.

We Betties like to take an idea of a costume (one that could be hanging on the wall at your local party city) and make it our own. Never buying the whole costume we find pieces and put it together. People know who we are but definitely dig the originality of what we ended up putting together.

This is probably our favorite!

This is probably our favorite!

We think you should be creative too, it makes it more fun! Check back with us on Friday November 1 to see the results of what was seen most in NYC!


The Ultimate Betties

Today’s Update: The Hipster

“You used to be able to tell the difference between hipsters and homeless people. Now, it’s between hipsters and retards. I mean, either that guy in the corner in orange safety pants holding a protest sign and wearing a top hat is mentally disabled or he is the coolest fucking guy you will ever know.”

― Chuck Klosterman

Seriously. I’ve been overwhelmed with the amount of men with scruffy beards, attire that costs more than your rent (but ultimately looks like they went dumpster diving), and their stoic demeanor toward life. I’m all for free expression but come on…this is now a trend. You are no longer ‘unique’ you are a part of the crowd. Everyone with an iPhone has ‘Instagram’ – let’s face it, it takes a horrible picture and makes it looks decent. A long come the hipsters and ruin a good fucking thing. I don’t need to see your sixteen ‘Instagram’ updates of your Starbucks coffee cup, New York’s top-selling book, and your legs crossed so we can see your $200 John Varvatos. No one is impressed. Get a life. Get a job. Why are you at Starbucks reading a god damn book at 11am on a Tuesday?

On the flip side, some hipsters ARE the coolest people I know. They are extremely intelligent, laid-back, and they clearly don’t care to get a little dirty. I mean…. look at their clothes. They enjoy getting black out wasted at festivals as they bounce around to Mumford & Sons (KEY POINT: blacked out) I’m all for that. All I can really ask is that the hipster community tone down their attitudes. Stop living in denial. You probably graduated from a community college with a 2.0. Your intellectual book isn’t fooling anyone. So I want opinions, feedback, funny stories on this wacked out community….

I leave you with this

penny fears kindles because “then how are people going to know what you’re reading?”


The Ultimate Betties


Nothing can prevent your picture from coming into concrete form except the same power which gave it birth – YOURSELF. – Genevieve Behrend

Happy Friday! We leave you with this quote before you enter the weekend + a new week. VISUALIZE what you want, BELIEVE in it, and you will ATTAIN exactly what you seek out.


The Ultimate Betties


The Single Lady

Sometimes we post so that either gender can benefit from our posts, but today is just for the ladies. We came across this website the other day and we think it would be great for all the single ladies out there.

It is called The Single Woman Guide (thesinglewomanguide.com). She answers questions on love, dating advice and the silly little questions your friends just can’t help you with. Pretty informative we must say!

Take a look, hopefully it will help a Betty out!


The Ultimate Betties


Speak Up


If you haven’t been able to distinguish it already, these Betties are very outspoken. Like it or not that is how we are and part of the reason we get a long so well. More and more lately we have discovered a pet peeve of ours is people not speaking up about their issues.

Some of closest friends are even guilty of this peeve. We understand that not everyone is the same, however, if you have an issue with someone you work with or your significant other or your best friend…SAY IT! People respect honesty more than anything else and even if it bothers them at first they will appreciate it in due time.

Plus, getting that annoying “thing” that’s bothering you off your chest will not only make you feel better but it will make you feel stronger and more powerful…because you did it yourself and probably got what you wanted out of it.

Just a thought.


The Ultimate Betties

Monday Motivation


What’s a text?

The other day we were having girl time with some co-workers and we got into talking about technology. The be-all and end-all of the last few generations. We then started discussing how we are fortunate because at our age we are on the cusp of knowing all the technology and still knowing the old school stuff that kids these days don’t have a clue about. (Once heard this kid ask his mother in the store what a VCR was? We about died.)

Our conversation then turned to texting, probably as we were texting. Then she made a statement that really stuck with us. Someone else told her this and it stuck with her too. We all text and sometimes we receive those random or boring texts, or so we think. But if you take a step back and think no matter if that text comes from your parent, your friends or your significant other, there is one thing in common: they thought about YOU.

They care enough to text you, leave it at that.

They care enough to text you, leave it at that.

Sure, we would all love to receive that text from that person saying something so cute but instead we open it to “waah I’m bored.” Not what you expected but they were thinking about you enough to text you. See, to us that means something for the simple fact we have all been through those times when we wanted a text of any sort from “him” or “her.”

Something is better than nothing. Be grateful you’re on their minds no matter who they are.


The Ultimate Betties

The Power Struggle

By now you should all know our list of pet peeves is ongoing, but a person who suffers from Power Struggle REALLY rubs us the wrong way. In fact, we are informing you of this so you can stop yourself in your tracks if any of this pertains to you.

A person who struggles with this comes off very nice, welcoming, and caring as long as you are one step below them at all times. The moment you start increasing their intimidation meter your life turns into a living hell. They will do anything in their power to make sure you are aware who is “boss” at least, “boss” in their mind.
The best way to respond to these types of humans is a) stand up for what you know is right at all times and b) keep to yourself. If this is a person you work with B is THE BEST choice. No one said you had to be besties with your co-workers, but you do need to make for a positive work environment.
Try to take their struggle as a compliment. You are a person they feel could be as good as them if not better – they just have a strange way of celebrating that in life!
Happy Tuesday! XO
The Ultimate Betties

Monday Motivation


Monday Motivation

Look at you!

Being the sauceboxes that we are, naturally we love e-cards! Those sassy little meme’s get us through each day. Recently we came across this one: ecardsNow we all have been through this: that person you really thought you would never be OK without. Through the heartbreaks and the tears and all the other emotions you may have gone through and boom. You are actually living and breathing and doing just fine now, it’s amazing right!?

What’s even better than that feeling is the feeling you get when that person tries to come back into your life randomly and you get your chance to say “no.” It is rewarding really because at that moment you realize you are now so much stronger than you ever thought you were.

Even if you are not to this point yet, you eventually will be(it is a fact of life) and you will know exactly how we feel.

You’ll be just fine,

The Ultimate Betties xo

The Busy Body Betty

We all know of that one busy body who just can’t seem to pry out of other peoples business. She’s your Chem-lab partner, old friend from high school who spills the latest dirt every girls night out, or your co-worker. They are all around us. The question is how do you deal with it? Not every busy body is a complete and utter brat. They come in all shapes and sizes. She might even be your dearest friend but at times her gossip rants will drive you up the wall. 

First and foremost, you must know how the mind of a busy body works. Something about being “in the know” makes them feel good. Almost superior to you. They have information that you don’t. They love that! Not only do they have juicy information on someone they have ammo to spin a conversation into speaking their mind. Busy bodies THRIVE off letting people know where they stand on every single topic. When you take a step back and really break it down… it’s sad. These people clearly want to feel accepted and this is how they have been able to do so. 

The next time you come across a busy body remember to take what they say with a grain of salt. Don’t allow their information to sway how you feel about someone or a situation. They have their opinion and you are more than welcome to have yours. If you don’t agree with something: VOICE IT. If you like the person they are bad mouthing: TELL THEM. Any busy body can immediately be shut down by the truth because they want to be accepted. Once they sense you are not into what they are saying…. they will stop. They feel defeated. Embarrassed. As if they are no longer accepted. 

If something bothers you, Betties, you have the control to make it stop. 


The Ultimate Betties


So we are big fans of lists; making lists, reading lists..we just enjoy the list process. With that being said we want to share one of our favorite sites: listverse.com

It has everything you could ever wonder about, and things you probably wouldn’t even think of existed. Let’s just call it a Thursday gift to distract you from office work.

Sorry we’re not sorry!


The Ultimate Betties

Time Flies

Happy Tuesday Betties!

Yesterday we put up some Monday motivation but at this time you’re already midway through your Tuesday work day. That went fast eh!? Yesterday morning you were probably complaining all about how it’s Monday and look it’s almost Wednesday.

We were recently thinking about how quickly our lives are flying by. We all waste too much time on social media platforms, sometimes sleeping and sometimes just being lazy. Now, these are all acceptable from time to time but look back at your past week…are you doing these more than normal or more than you technically should? You may want to review your schedule.


Guilty as charged, of course. However, we have taken steps to improve our everyday lives and be more productive. The above picture really made us think that we are the only ones to change our lives. Time is going to fly no matter what.

Stay productive and healthy!


The Ultimate Betties

Monday Inspiration


Mondays don’t have to be such a downer. This is a reminder of that! Think positive. Set yourself up for a great week!


The Ultimate Betties


Little Emotions

Alright, so let’s jump right into this. Last time you had a trust issue with someone: a friend, a boyfriend, a steady hook-up, whomever, how did it make you feel? Mad or jealous? But did you sit back and think if that particular emotion was because of you or because of them. Did they make you mad or jealous or is that an emotion you’re evoking all on your own?

We (especially women) have a tendency to get jealous because we view other women as direct competition. Do you ever sit back and look at guys’ relationships…they all get a long because well they’re wired differently than us. Unless, maybe when it comes to a female, men just go with the flow and let the petty emotions roll off their backs. Females get jealous of too much. Yes, we are openly admitting our flaws right now but it’s real!


We we’re recently in a situation where our close friends new “beau” was going to meet up with a friend of his for coffee who just happened to be a girl. Our friend immediately got jealous and contacted us. Now, they aren’t officially together but they are more than just a hook-up..it’s that in-between relationship that we all know too well. Does she have the right to be jealous? It is understandable, but we let her know that she has male friends too and if the situation was reversed wouldn’t she want him to trust her.

Especially that he flat-out told her what he was going to do, we think that’s a great sign! The next move is tricky..she can show any emotion she wants to us but to him is it worth it? This brings us back to the beginning, was she jealous because he was going with an unknown girl or because it’s a lack of knowing how great she is and she shouldn’t let something this small get to her.

When they’re hiding something and you find out..that’s where the issue lies but we Betties are smarter than to let that happen 😉


The Betties