Today’s Update: The Hipster

“You used to be able to tell the difference between hipsters and homeless people. Now, it’s between hipsters and retards. I mean, either that guy in the corner in orange safety pants holding a protest sign and wearing a top hat is mentally disabled or he is the coolest fucking guy you will ever know.”

― Chuck Klosterman

Seriously. I’ve been overwhelmed with the amount of men with scruffy beards, attire that costs more than your rent (but ultimately looks like they went dumpster diving), and their stoic demeanor toward life. I’m all for free expression but come on…this is now a trend. You are no longer ‘unique’ you are a part of the crowd. Everyone with an iPhone has ‘Instagram’ – let’s face it, it takes a horrible picture and makes it looks decent. A long come the hipsters and ruin a good fucking thing. I don’t need to see your sixteen ‘Instagram’ updates of your Starbucks coffee cup, New York’s top-selling book, and your legs crossed so we can see your $200 John Varvatos. No one is impressed. Get a life. Get a job. Why are you at Starbucks reading a god damn book at 11am on a Tuesday?

On the flip side, some hipsters ARE the coolest people I know. They are extremely intelligent, laid-back, and they clearly don’t care to get a little dirty. I mean…. look at their clothes. They enjoy getting black out wasted at festivals as they bounce around to Mumford & Sons (KEY POINT: blacked out) I’m all for that. All I can really ask is that the hipster community tone down their attitudes. Stop living in denial. You probably graduated from a community college with a 2.0. Your intellectual book isn’t fooling anyone. So I want opinions, feedback, funny stories on this wacked out community….

I leave you with this

penny fears kindles because “then how are people going to know what you’re reading?”


The Ultimate Betties


Nothing can prevent your picture from coming into concrete form except the same power which gave it birth – YOURSELF. – Genevieve Behrend

Happy Friday! We leave you with this quote before you enter the weekend + a new week. VISUALIZE what you want, BELIEVE in it, and you will ATTAIN exactly what you seek out.


The Ultimate Betties


The Single Lady

Sometimes we post so that either gender can benefit from our posts, but today is just for the ladies. We came across this website the other day and we think it would be great for all the single ladies out there.

It is called The Single Woman Guide ( She answers questions on love, dating advice and the silly little questions your friends just can’t help you with. Pretty informative we must say!

Take a look, hopefully it will help a Betty out!


The Ultimate Betties


Speak Up


If you haven’t been able to distinguish it already, these Betties are very outspoken. Like it or not that is how we are and part of the reason we get a long so well. More and more lately we have discovered a pet peeve of ours is people not speaking up about their issues.

Some of closest friends are even guilty of this peeve. We understand that not everyone is the same, however, if you have an issue with someone you work with or your significant other or your best friend…SAY IT! People respect honesty more than anything else and even if it bothers them at first they will appreciate it in due time.

Plus, getting that annoying “thing” that’s bothering you off your chest will not only make you feel better but it will make you feel stronger and more powerful…because you did it yourself and probably got what you wanted out of it.

Just a thought.


The Ultimate Betties

Monday Motivation


Monday Motivation


Monday Motivation

Look at you!

Being the sauceboxes that we are, naturally we love e-cards! Those sassy little meme’s get us through each day. Recently we came across this one: ecardsNow we all have been through this: that person you really thought you would never be OK without. Through the heartbreaks and the tears and all the other emotions you may have gone through and boom. You are actually living and breathing and doing just fine now, it’s amazing right!?

What’s even better than that feeling is the feeling you get when that person tries to come back into your life randomly and you get your chance to say “no.” It is rewarding really because at that moment you realize you are now so much stronger than you ever thought you were.

Even if you are not to this point yet, you eventually will be(it is a fact of life) and you will know exactly how we feel.

You’ll be just fine,

The Ultimate Betties xo

The Busy Body Betty

We all know of that one busy body who just can’t seem to pry out of other peoples business. She’s your Chem-lab partner, old friend from high school who spills the latest dirt every girls night out, or your co-worker. They are all around us. The question is how do you deal with it? Not every busy body is a complete and utter brat. They come in all shapes and sizes. She might even be your dearest friend but at times her gossip rants will drive you up the wall. 

First and foremost, you must know how the mind of a busy body works. Something about being “in the know” makes them feel good. Almost superior to you. They have information that you don’t. They love that! Not only do they have juicy information on someone they have ammo to spin a conversation into speaking their mind. Busy bodies THRIVE off letting people know where they stand on every single topic. When you take a step back and really break it down… it’s sad. These people clearly want to feel accepted and this is how they have been able to do so. 

The next time you come across a busy body remember to take what they say with a grain of salt. Don’t allow their information to sway how you feel about someone or a situation. They have their opinion and you are more than welcome to have yours. If you don’t agree with something: VOICE IT. If you like the person they are bad mouthing: TELL THEM. Any busy body can immediately be shut down by the truth because they want to be accepted. Once they sense you are not into what they are saying…. they will stop. They feel defeated. Embarrassed. As if they are no longer accepted. 

If something bothers you, Betties, you have the control to make it stop. 


The Ultimate Betties

Monday Inspiration


Mondays don’t have to be such a downer. This is a reminder of that! Think positive. Set yourself up for a great week!


The Ultimate Betties


Little Emotions

Alright, so let’s jump right into this. Last time you had a trust issue with someone: a friend, a boyfriend, a steady hook-up, whomever, how did it make you feel? Mad or jealous? But did you sit back and think if that particular emotion was because of you or because of them. Did they make you mad or jealous or is that an emotion you’re evoking all on your own?

We (especially women) have a tendency to get jealous because we view other women as direct competition. Do you ever sit back and look at guys’ relationships…they all get a long because well they’re wired differently than us. Unless, maybe when it comes to a female, men just go with the flow and let the petty emotions roll off their backs. Females get jealous of too much. Yes, we are openly admitting our flaws right now but it’s real!


We we’re recently in a situation where our close friends new “beau” was going to meet up with a friend of his for coffee who just happened to be a girl. Our friend immediately got jealous and contacted us. Now, they aren’t officially together but they are more than just a’s that in-between relationship that we all know too well. Does she have the right to be jealous? It is understandable, but we let her know that she has male friends too and if the situation was reversed wouldn’t she want him to trust her.

Especially that he flat-out told her what he was going to do, we think that’s a great sign! The next move is tricky..she can show any emotion she wants to us but to him is it worth it? This brings us back to the beginning, was she jealous because he was going with an unknown girl or because it’s a lack of knowing how great she is and she shouldn’t let something this small get to her.

When they’re hiding something and you find out..that’s where the issue lies but we Betties are smarter than to let that happen 😉


The Betties

I Forgot My Phone

When you walk into a restaurant, a movie theatre, or Starbucks how many people have their phones out? Only about 2% don’t. We live in a generation where our iPhone’s trump a one on one conversation with the person sitting right in front of us. Do we care? Maybe when we sit down to really think about it but in the moment.. no. Why? Look around. Everyone else is doing it. You wouldn’t want to look weird and NOT be doing what everyone else is.

We came across a video that disturbed us. It’s titled “I forgot my phone.” Many of you have probably already seen it, but those who haven’t, we’re curious to see your reaction. Does it disgust you as much as it disgusts other people? Is this such the norm that it really doesn’t bother you it’s just someone video recording what you see daily.

We all love social media and being tuned into everything that’s happening AS it’s happening. Don’t let that affect your real-life relationships though. If you are out to lunch with your significant other, friend, or even worse… CHILD. Please just put your phone away. What will you honestly miss within that hour that you cannot go back and look at? NOTHING. Your instagram feed will still be there, your Facebook notifications will remain a red number, and your tweets… people will still be tweeting. The world is not going to end if you set your phone down and go enjoy life.


The Ultimate Betties


Third party influences

Betties, as we wrap up our first week back we want to leave you with something short and to the point.

Throughout your life you will have people criticizing your relationships, your friendships and your partner in general. The third-party influences. Before you take everyone’s opinion look at the overall picture of your relationship. Yes, Cosmo may have the “perfect” way to “catch your man cheating” or a quiz inquiring if you’re too “needy”… that’s one persons opinion and it may not work for everyone.

We say this because as we get older we realize the problems that we face in our relationships should be dealt with by ourselves only. They’re only getting the story you’re telling at that moment, they are not there day in and out to see all the other great stuff that does go on. Sure, take all the opinions or “advice” you want, just remember that person with the genius advice is not on your date night or sitting in on your dinner conversations every night.


What works best for you and your relationships, friendships or what have you is dependent on YOU not the rest of the world.


The Ultimate Betties

The Frenemy

Frenemy: The type of “friend” whose words or actions bring you down (whether you realize it as intentional or not) The friend you may or may not have cornered about their quicksand like ways and keep around because “its in the past”…and so was one minute ago. The person that will continue to bring you down until you demand better for yourself.

We all have that one friend whose picture would be next to this word in a dictionary. Maybe you have known them since you were running around in Pampers or had some life changing experience with them. That does not make it OK for them to bring you down. Loyalty is great when that person deserves it. If they don’t, none of those other logistics matter.

There will come a point in your life when you finally see the light bulb go off over your head. This person is TOXIC. Regardless if it was a situation that enlightened you or maybe you matured. Either way… when that day comes it will hit you like a ton of bricks and your life will be changed. FOR.THE.BETTER. The best way to move forward from this person is to simply act like they don’t exist in your world anymore. It sounds harsh but let’s be real – they don’t. At one point in your life you were friends and yes you had memories but as we grow, we evolve into better versions of ourselves. It is okay to let go of those who no longer serve you in a positive way. We preach this A LOT. We know!

We, Betties, just strongly believe that if there’s something or someone in your life who no longer lifts you up, challenges you to do better, or genuinely has your best interest at heart; it’s time to say toodles!

This weekend when you’re out at the club with your girlfriends and run into this ‘frenemy’, don’t let her presence bother you. This world is a small one. You aren’t here to please everyone or even LIKE everyone. Do you. Surround yourself with the ones you know are good for you and the rest will fall into place. If the ‘frenemy’ tries to communicate with you. Be cordial, say hello hope all is well and move on. NOTHING and we mean NOTHING pisses off your frenemy more than to see you happy and totally OKAY without them.

Happy Thursday Lovelies.


The Ultimate Betty


Be Independent.

Back in the day women were brought up to be pretty dependent on the male species. As years go by this trend is dwindling. Nowadays women are tougher, stronger and more independent than ever (Go us!) Some may still see this as taboo for whatever reason and men may see this as intimidating, let them. With the way the economy is and the up-and-coming generations faltering before our eyes it’s important to hold that independent status.


For those who live alone or still reside in your parent’s “paradise”, have you done something for yourself yet? Yes, a mani and pedi is great but not what we are thinking.

Have you needed a picture hung, your grass cut or electronics hooked up? We bet your first thought was to call daddy or your closest male counterpart. That may work for now but we all know nothing is secured for life and those people may not be there, time to do it yourself.

What we’re saying is take the initiative to do things on your own, we promise you can. It may seem like a challenge at first but girl, you got this!


The Ultimate Betties

22 Rules to Life

Happy Monday Betties! We were browsing the web earlier and stumbled across this list of the “22 Rules to Life.” We liked it so much we thought we would share it with you.

1.) Never stop thinking. This is important. If someone ever says to you “you need to stop thinking so much,” call them ignorant in your head and keep thinking deeper. It is this mentality that breeds stupid people. Your mind is the most important thing you have, if you stop using it, it will atrophy.

2.) Stare into space blankly and don’t mentally punish yourself for doing it, even if it is for that split second.

3.) Don’t be afraid to talk about anything. You shouldn’t be afraid of reality.

4.) Everyone is a hypocrite.

5.) You are all original. Every life experience is case-sensitive and unique. Every time you wake up or quote someone else, you are becoming more you than anyone has ever been.

6.) Do pointless things. Don’t actively restrain or hide yourself from the redundant.

7.) Stop rushing. Shut up and embrace the sound of silence.

8.) Religion shouldn’t be taught, it should be found. No one should tell you what to believe except for you.

9.) Talking to yourself is healthy. Is there anyone you have more in common with?

10.) There is no such thing as time. The sun never sets or rises. Days and years don’t exist. There is only your life.

11.) We will always be in a transitional phase. Look outside and know that everything will be replaced at some point. This existence is temporary.

12.) It’s not half empty or half full. It’s half a glass.

13.) Every now and then, you take something that you see everyday and try to see it in a different light. Renew its resistance.

14.) Be happy, but don’t force it.

15.) You will always succeed in trying.

16.) We are all crazy.

17.) We are all about as similar as we are different.

18.) Ideas are about as valuable as people.

19.) Words will always be just words. Love is just another four letter word, only the feeling is real.

20.) Ask a child for advice. They may not know much, but they know what’s important.

21.) Prove you’re alive. Do anything from dancing in the supermarket to taking an impulse trip to another country. Remind the world you are still here.

22.) Don’t take anything seriously.


Check up on these every now and then, a little reminder and thought never hurt anyone.


The Ultimate Betties